La Vie Creative
La Vie Creative
EP 306: French lifestyle inspiration with Beeta
After her first trip to Paris in 2010, Beeta fell in love with all things French and became a self-proclaimed Francophile.
To share her love for France and French culture, she created the popular French lifestyle brand Mon Petit Four®, and launched a collection of her favorite French recipes and French lifestyle inspiration. Her ability to simplify French recipes and eliminate the intimidation factor when it comes to French cooking has made her site one of the top French recipe resources for several years in a row. You’ll also find a variety of French lifestyle ideas aimed at helping you slow down, be more intentional and artful with your living, and fully embrace French culture and attitude at home.
Most recently, after living in Paris in the 7th arrondissement and immersing herself fully in everyday French life, Beeta launched her exclusive mastermind experience, aimed at helping women throughout the world elevate their style and step into a more joyful and abundant lifestyle. Living among the French, Beeta was able to witness the drastic differences between the French and American lifestyles, mainly the fact that French women live so much more intentionally and artfully. Today, Beeta enjoys coaching women living elsewhere to adopt that same mindset and sense of sophistication through French style principles and lifestyle practices she learned living abroad.
Each year, Beeta also hosts luxury retreats in France, taking a small group of women with her to experience the most magical week of their life in France. These retreats are designed to give women the most incredible feelings of abundance and awakening to live their best life.
https://MonPetitFour.com/sign-up (readers can get a free french lifestyle guide when they subscribe)