La Vie Creative

EP 332: Laura Leach teaches us the intersections of art, finance, and sustainability

Krystal Kenney
Laura Leach is a California-born, Parisian-transplant working at the intersection of art and finance. She became a full-on Francophile while studying in Dijon and during a post-grad year teaching English in central France. After that, she knew she wanted to spend the foreseeable future exploring France’s cultural and artistic richness and Europe more broadly. Working in the corporate sector in various industries between Paris and the Silicon Valley ultimately lead her to change course and she recently completed a masters in arts management. 
“Learning more about an artist’s practice – whether procedural or organic, linear or seemingly disordered – makes the logistics involved in exhibition mounting driven by a common narrative. For me, this guiding thread, working in service of the careers of artists and increasing public access to the arts so that knowledge and culture are democratized, is the purpose I have been seeking for the past few years. Fascinating to me is the way these different artists and stakeholders join in pursuit of birthing something that is original and that sheds light on matters that are often deeply personal and intimate to the artist’s experience of humanity, society, or themselves.” - Laura Leach

She currently produces exhibitions at Espace Canopy, an associative art gallery in the 18e. Check out their links below!

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